—u/DenturesDentata “Yeah. Or worse, if they listen to THEIR music all the time without any headphones, or ‘have to’ follow that very important soccer match on their stupid mobiles.” —u/P44 —u/Artistic-Anybody-434 “We have a girl who does this in the bathroom at work. More than once, I’ve thought about turning the light off on my way out.” —u/Creative_Tea_269 “That dad loudly playing “Baby Shark” on his phone for his kid…” —u/SapphirineRose —u/dan1101 “This infuriates me, too. I don’t care if someone wants to go faster than me. Just be consistent. Don’t mess up my cruise control.” —u/ilovemywine “I have never understood this. You’re going slow in the left lane? Dumb, but OK. I have to pass you on the right? Also not great, but OK. But then, you’re going to speed up as I try to pass you? Screw off.” —u/thereisonlyoneme —u/CoffeeLoverChick “Agreed. And for everyone who needs to hear it, cigarette butts count!” —u/Torvaun “Yes, I hate that, the world isn’t their trashcan; they’re making things worse for everyone. Just hold on to the trash, and throw it away later.” —u/dan1101 —u/OkCicada5203 —u/CommanderAndMaster “This is one of my biggest pet peeves. Not being aware of the space you take up in public places.” —u/avocadoplease “People who step off the escalator and just…stand there. Because there couldn’t possibly be anyone behind them.” —u/leafonthewind006 “Standing too close behind me in line. It will not make the line move faster, I promise.” —u/tiny_butt_toucher There is a right way to say ‘hey, don’t do that’ without an audience. It’s not cool to make a big scene with your kid and have a million strangers see this; in fact, I think it’s a little traumatic for the child involved." —u/crystalcastles13 “Talk to their children while looking at others to make sure everyone is watching and listening to them. They talk super loud in their little kid voice, too. Biggest pet peeve!” —u/ronnad1975 When you ask them to please move so you can use the station, they act like you’re the rude one." —u/Ho3n3r —u/JasonMoore1172 “The biggest indicator of character and red flags is how someone treats people they don’t ‘have to’ be nice to like service staff.” —u/CryptographerMore944 —u/Logical-Rip-8138 “This is how it is at all the casinos. More than half of men do not wash their hands, even after using the crapper.” —u/bratch —u/Responsible-Ad6103 “Or the half-assed fist placed three inches in front of their face as if that does anything.” —u/TheRuralEngineer “I feel like people are so much worse with this since COVID restrictions disappeared. Like they’re making up for lost time.” —u/KayDashO —u/corneliouswafflebot “Being on the larger side, I relish the times I see a group like this coming. If they don’t part for me, it’s like slow bowling.” —u/Georgeisthecoolest —u/mattogeewha I don’t wanna see two old people going at it in an Applebee’s or some young person wearing a diaper and posing himself to give his boyfriend an erection at the beach. Both of which I have seen." —u/EgoSenatus —u/Linux4ever_Leo “When people floss their teeth or use toothpicks.” —u/johndollarhidr —u/easypeasylucky “Trim toenails…even worse if they’re peeling them. 🤢🤮🤮🤮” —u/kalvain “It’s gross! I hate when I’m at work and someone starts clipping their nails. Even worse, when they don’t do it over a trashcan and just let their nail clippings fly all over the place.” —u/insomniahag